SID-related MP3s

Hi to all visitors!

What I will try to do on this page from time to time is to feature totally or almost legal MP3s that are - in one way or another - related to our beloved SID music. As a member of the HVSC Crew I have stumbled upon quite a few MP3s that are covered in famous SIDs.

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Okay, let's cut the crap, and let's get to the music.

The Unknown Planet
John Keating
(© 1972 Jonh Keating, from the quadrophonic (!) album "Space Experience")

(7.8 MB, length = 5:27, hi-fi 192 kbps MP3 in stereo)

Eetu Ojanen caught this by chance on an online radio station (I bet that was a surreal experience) and located the file. In case it sounds familiar it's because this is what's covered in Rob Hubbard's Warhawk...

To download all of the MP3s ever featured on this site
click here!

For more SID-related MP3 sites, go to here!

Comments on these and suggestions for new SID-related MP3s are always welcome!
If you have any, don't hesitate to write to me at!